Staffing Assessment

The biggest cost your facility has is its payroll. In fact, we have found that it’s not uncommon for payroll to account for almost 70% of a facility’s total expenses. If the payroll expense isn’t properly controlled or justified, the result is a significant strain on resources that jeopardizes the facility’s ability to stay afloat.

As part of our Assisted Living Market Study assessments, we perform assisted living management evaluations that assess the efficiency of your facility’s operation and look for ways you could increase savings without compromising residents’ experience. We will take a look at:

  • Total payroll by department
  • Overtime utilization
  • Staff scheduling
  • Clarity of policies in the employee handbook
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Job descriptions and efficiency evaluation
  • Recruitment and retention

Our focus is to find ways to enhance your staff’s efficiency, reduce unnecessary costs, and increase resident satisfaction. Once engaged with your facility, we will review your current records ahead of our site visit and set times to meet with and interview your assisted living management staff and department heads to review our findings.

We will return a comprehensive report to you within ten days of our visit and include specific suggestions for efficiency enhancement by department and job description.

Contact Us to learn more about how our staffing assessments and Assisted Living Feasibility Study assessments can increase your facility’s success.