Business Plans

We believe that a clear, articulate business plan is an essential cornerstone to any development project. Once an Assisted Living Market Study has been completed,the experts at our offices can work with you and your team to craft a report that incorporates:

  • An Executive Summary – An outline of the essential project components
  • An Overview for Use of Funds – A review of hard and soft costs (gear, furniture, managing capital, etc.) underpinned by separate schedules and forecasts
  • An Overview of Executives and Key Employees – A clear review of the project team’s roles and responsibilities
  • A Detailed Exit Strategy – A strategy for how the investor(s) can recover their capital inside three to five years, which regularly incorporates indebtedness reimbursement plans, recapitalization, sale of the business, procurement, or starting offering stock purchases
  • An Outline of Risk Factors – All our business arrangements incorporate a segment that demarcates the danger for potential investors and components that alleviate those dangers

Contact Us for additional informative content, or click here to visit our sister site, The Business Plan Consultants.